to thank you for the generosity mario fox
very sympathetic portrait
he wrote about me, and round hat, girls!
eille, even the photo shoot was fun: o) thank you to Christian Landry
you can read this article in The Tribune:
http://www.cyberpresse.ca/la-tribune/sherbrooke/200905/ 07/01-854177-beatrice-migneault-de-chroniqueuse-culturelle-a-camionneuse.php
I want However, to correct an assertion mario:
(so I gave dates and milestones in my life ...)
I had a boyfriend at age 15 ... stephen ...
he is a truck driver for over 20 years now
it transports liquid hydrogen to zétats
and I do not know if he goes around america!
to 12 years, I played chess with my friend Anne
I discovered The Police, Men at Work, and yes genesis
and thought only of his brother, I must admit: o)
and then thank you, friend- who are still congratulating me for having made this
turn 180 degrees!
the list goes on, in fact, for wrinkles of truck ...
wish therefore, a second article in the Journal of sherbrooke
lejournaldesherbrooke.canoe.ca / webapp / sitepages / content.asp? ContentID = 94467 & id = 110 & classif = News
good reading: o)
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