Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Put Over The Knee For A

Frustrations Road

I travel around 70km per day to and from work. On this trip there is a part that happens on the highway and another on the tourist route. And summer tourists has y'en and I find it very good for the region because it is a wonderful area to spend the holidays away from big cities and spend quality time with family.

My first frustration is happening on the highway, it is not a highway because it has only one lane in each direction (without separation), in short it is an ordinary road where you can drive at 100km / h, so there is very little time to make overtaking and when there is dotted with places strategically placed to never be able to overcome and is not a bad remote view of the another way, on a slope or too short to have time to do anything. I wonder sometimes what kind of engineer could have done such a bad route highways.

Just my second frustration! Unable to almost never exceed, there are people who seem to enjoy visiting the area via motorway driving at 70km / h with or without a tent trailer or Winnebago 300 feet. First, the highway is perhaps not a race track, but people passing by the highway is to go faster! So go on the nice scenic route is much more beautiful and there is at least normal to drive more slowly, there are houses and places to visit! But this is not the only source of frustration because the rest of the year there are those who take two minutes on the highway not to go into town and moving even slower than in the city streets and slowing down to 60km / h before making their exit. By the way, it slows down in the output record, that's why it's a long curve to slow the world on the motorway is not normal and it's dangerous!
And if by chance there is a possibility to overtake me, say that I do not drive enough above the limit, surpassed, not made to wait for the end of the dual carriageway, affects the gas!

The tourist route is a stressful way (the end where there is no highway). It is full of frustrated people do not have highway, so that runs 140km / h (limit 90km / h). That protrudes from miscalculating the distance and doing exercises that should be seen by the police but has never y'en in those days. And thee the world is moving at 80km / h at 7.00am on Monday and when it enters the area at 70km / h or 50km / h, continues to run at 80. Signs with numbers on it, a suggestion is strongly recommended and your car is quite capable of making here! Do not worry, the cars are designed to travel at least 90 and are also able to slow down when needed. Makes your trip to Boomers in the morning to 10:00 at that hour we went to work.

Share the road wisely driving at a speed that makes sense and making less folleries. It will be less stressful for everyone and it will happen less stupid accident. I'm not perfect either, it happens to exaggerate, but not very careful, even when you think control the situation.

And there were roadworks on the road, slow down and not made fools through the cones. Put yourself in their place, these people are their lives without common sense.

My trip? Saint-Fabien \u0026lt;-> Rimouski on 132 and Highway 20 unfinished. :-)


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