Friday, November 6, 2009

Clothes For Mechadoll

Telus TV

I did install Telus TV (standard, no HD for now) a few weeks ago.

I used with StarChoice. I've never had any major problems with StarChoice little break signal and mostly short-lived. I hesitated to install Telus TV. But for the same price, I have 2 times more jobs (Francophone and Anglophone). I have the basic package with 6 additional blocks. Not bad base saying. I have two standard decoders, as I have on the main TV a Windows Media Center (version 2005), on an old P4 2.53GHz with 2GB of RAM and a 120GB HD. I did not took the PVR at the moment. I had to do some adjustment with MCE (Vista version and Win7 would have been better), but with the help of a good friend, everything is working perfectly.

Configuring MCE 2005 - Telus TV

In the registry

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Media Center \\ Service \\ Video \\ Tuners \\ {A799A800-A46D-11D0-A18C-00A02401DCD4} \\ {6F979C4C-777C-48A4-847C-8A7E13704A04} \\ UserSettings

(values between {} will be different from one PC to another)

Open STBCode key and adjust the following values:

\u0026lt; ; keyinterval> 250 \u0026lt;/ keyinterval>
\u0026lt;keyduration> 500 \u0026lt;/ keyduration>
\u0026lt;channelpause> 4000 \u0026lt;/ channelpause>

The channel change is much faster than Star Choice and Cogeco Digital. Of course it can not be as fast as the analog signal (such as Cogeco), but I find it rather amazing to pass 2 signals TV, High Speed Internet and telephone in a single pair of copper wire. One would never imagine that 10 years ago. 7-8 years ago I had Cogeco Digital with snow on Radio-Canada, a decoder as wide as my 27''TV time for a slow and terrible awful menu, Telus TV, the decoder is compact and easy to use.

The menus and presentation of the guide is awesome. But I like even better than Windows Media Center. And I will not StarChoice and slow and the menu is the ugliest I've seen ... I hope their new receiver were improved.

The only problem I can note that until now, it's time to start the decoder (in case of power failure for example). It may take easily 10 to 15 minutes.

My current package contains the following:

  • Telus TV Package 6 thematic
  • 2 decoders SA330
  • Unlimited Long Distance (America)
  • Display Call Waiting Call Return
  • call forwarding
  • High Speed Internet

Even with two TVs on, I can download over the Internet 550k/sec. The display is also controlled by the decoder, so even need to lift this who call. Rather pleasant!

So if you have the possibility to have Telus TV, unless you need more specialized channels such as sports, Telus did not finish signing contracts with some TV channels, such as Take 2 for example. But the representative assured me that at the beginning of 2010 we would have access to more channels. I will follow up on that.

Made the jump, it's worth it and finally all telecommunications services on a single invoice.

yes, I almost forgot, I received a $ 200 gift certificate redeemable at Dumoulin Tanguay or by subscribing! :-)


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